Friday, September 7, 2007

I need your vote...

So I was thinking... We have obviously all witnessed the booming technological advancements over the last few years. You know, the ones that are supposed to save us time and money. For instance, the "self checkout" lines at the grocery. The ones where the girl sits there and watches you like a hawk so you don't accidentally steal anything, and then looks at you as you beat the machine to death because the "do you have coupons" button won't work when you tap it. You know what I'm talking about. Anyway, I haven't noticed the price of groceries going down even though more and more of the workload falls on us, the paying customer. Less people there to help... so we scan, bag, pay, and get our own change from the machines... all for what?

So... this month I'd like to see how many letters we can have sent to our local Schnuck's store nominating me as "Self-Checker of the Month". I keep seeing all their employee's pictures framed up on the wall, but I've never seen these employees. I think it's time the working men and women take there rightful place on the wall of fame. With your help, I think we can get this done. Who's with me?!

(At the risk of being thought of as the poster boy for prostate exams, we may want to rename this award to "Non-Employee of the Month". Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.) If we can get this thing to catch on, I'll gladly add your name to the ballet.


Kathy Eden said...

I agree with you Jeremy. I'll vote for you!

angela said...

your local WHAT store!? i'm sorry, i'm from california and we don't call the grocery store a schmuck.
but i do think you have a point. how long do you think a letter will take to get from haiti?

Shannon H. said...

Is that like a Piggly Wiggly?

You pony up the address and I will write the letter.

Ditto on self-service at the gas pump. I'm shlepping my own petrol - where is my cut of the profits?

BTW - I don't do the self-checkout thing because I feel like I am taking jobs away from people...

Kathy Eden said...

I like the schmuck comment you-you! Schnucks is a large grocery chain in the mid west.
But now I'm not sure if he's using a ballot or going to do ballet. Anyone want to see Jeremy in a tutu?

Jason said...

huh? who really posted this?

Todd Bacon said...

Self-checker of the month. That's funny.