Monday, May 28, 2007


As I sit here and get ready to watch the final episodes of 24, the last of this year's season finales of my favorite shows, I can't help but realize that I watch entirely too much television. This year seemed to take even more time than prior years. There are the family favorites like American Idol (two nights a week), Michelle and my favorites like 24, The Unit, and The Office, and my favorites Heroes and, of course, Lost. Not to mention even more time during football season... all presented in glorious High Definition. The addition of DVR helps (especially now with the dual tuner... thanks hun, you're the greatest), but even watching my shows after the kids are in bed, and skipping all the commercials, it's still a lot of viewing. I'm going to have to work on that. Sure, it should be easier now that we're past the finales, but it's funny how we can still find ways to spend time on things that really aren't that important.

Top 5 habits to develop this summer:
  1. Spend more time in fellowship with my Lord
  2. Make more memories with my wife and children
  3. Help more people
  4. Earn some Shrute bucks
  5. Enter a room like Jack Bauer


Michelle said...

I'll trade you 1 Shrute buck for 50 Cundiff nickels.

Great goals babe!! Bring on the memories!

Jeremy said...

What is the ratio of Cundiff nickels to Shrute bucks?

Todd Bacon said...

For those who aren't "in-the-know":

Jason said...

I think you should work on the Bauer slide, too. I love inside jokes. I hope to be a part of one someday.

Jeremy said...

Apparently all of my friends avoid the deeper side of me and go straight for the shallow stabs at humor. I suppose that's why I enjoy you all so much.

Kristina said...

Todd and I felt the same way at the beginning of the TV season last Sept.. We had to make some really tough decisions. But you will honestly find that you won't miss some. And even if you do, the most popular shows come out on DVD. Take a weekend one summer and get caught up!

I hope you make a lot of wonderful memories!

Elias said...

i don't have a TV. i waste enough time on the Internet. (time 2:06am...and elias is surfing through blogs). um...not saying your blog is a waste of time,'m leaving now.

but seriously, i need to work on #1 too. hope your accomplish your goals.

Angela said...

Great blog!! Love the title. Hope you can keep it up. We are all cheering for ya!! Now rub off on Shawn...

Jeremy said...

Thanks Elias, I will at least try to make it worth your time... and no, Angela, I will not rub on Shawn.

Gretchen, Frits, Elisabeth, Harrison and Mia said...

Hey Jeremy,
You going to carry the Man Purse too like Jack?? It is kind of like Barney's magic hat, never know what he is going to pull out of there!:)

Jason said...

That's no man-purse. That's a satchel of bad intentions.

angela said...

When life gave JackBauer lemons, he used them to kill terrorists. JackBauer hates lemonade.

Jeremy said...

Works as great torture to squeeze the juice into a fresh cut. And no, no man purse, but I can download video from your local street corner to my PDA.